Canboulay Productions premiered Rawle Gibbons’ Pantopia, a steelband musical inspired by the music of Ray Holman, at HADCO Phase II Pan Groove panyard, Woodbrook, on Friday, April 5.
Joining several fans of Ray Holman’s music were Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts Randall Mitchell, pan icon Ray Holman, thespian Rhoma Spencer, artist Makemba Kunle, Dr David Toby, radio personality Gerelle Forbes and popular steelband flagwoman Rhonda Allick.
The show started promptly on time. Seventeen of Holman’s compositions formed the structure on which Pantopia is built. Some of his beautiful works included “Pan is we Music,” “Pan on the Move,” “Pan on the Run,” “Selah,” “I Want to Jam it with You,” “Sapna,” “Special Brew” and “Pan Revolution.”
The music of Pantopia is beautifully performed by an ensemble of skilled pannists doubling as actors. Among them were Massy Trinidad All Stars crackshot Obadele Allick, Derron Ellies, Noelle Archer, Richard Ryan and Alana Ash. The ensemble was augmented by The National Steel Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Kareem Brown.
Syntyche Bishop was outstanding in her role as Bazo, as well as Kymani Mc Phie as Solo and Christopher Best, casted as High Noon and Jagroop.
Intermission of was taken at 8.20 p.m., and show restarted at 8.40 p.m.
Pantopia is directed by Louis Mc Williams and its musical directors are Akua Leith (pan) and Marva Newton (voice). Choreography is by Joanna Charles and Greer Jones-Woodham is its Set Designer. Costume Design is by Ian Smith.
Pantopia is more than Ray Holman. It also embraced the concept of national unity between the myriad races of Trinidad & Tobago, and traces eight decades of our nation’s political, social and cultural development. The production ended with the entire cast and National Steel Symphony Orchestra performing Ray’s Pan Revolution at 9.25 p.m.
Pantopia is the second play about the national instrument by Rawle Gibbons. He also previously wrote Sing de Chorus and Ah Wanna Fall.
Having directed over 50 productions, Louis Mc Williams is a veteran in the theatre arts. He was the Head of Department and Lecturer/Coordinator of Theatre Arts Programme, at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts at The UWI, St Augustine.
Pantopia is a definite must-see event and will be reprised on April 6-7, and April 12-14, at the panyard of Phase II Pan Groove, Hamilton Street, Woodbrook.