Over 20 years experience rooted in Trinbagonian culture and history

Ken brings many years of experience in lighting, sound, stage management and other aspects of technical theatre. He has been a member of the Canboulay Productions team from its inception. He has continued to teach technical theatre at the Department of Creative and Festival Arts, UWI, St. Augustine.

Donna-Marie has been involved in performance for most of her life. Her interest in Stage Management was piqued while still a student at Secondary School, a curiosity that has taken deep hold. Since graduating from the UWI’s Department of Creative and Festival Arts Certificate in Technical Theatre Production, Donna-Marie frequently stage-manages for DCFA, MustComeSee Productions and The Lydian Singers.

Asha Stewart has been involved in the arts since infancy as a student of the Celeste School of Music. She studied pianoforte for over 15 years before tapping into her talents as a vocalist and spoken word artist. She was introduced to the technical aspects of the theatre while studying at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Her fascination with the inner workings of the theatre led her to the Department of Creative and Festival Arts, UWI, where she studied Technical Theatre Production. Here, her true passion for stage management emerged.